"Urgency of State Owned Enterprise Reforms"

The Advocata Institute hosted a press brief on the '"Urgency of State Owned Enterprise Reforms" with Advocata’s Academic Chair Dr. Sarath Rajapatirana, Advocata’s Advisors Professor Rohan Samarajiva and Ms. Anarkali Moonesinghe on December 09th at 2.00PM.

The event commenced with a 10-min presentation, analysing the performance of key State Owned Enterprises. Followed by statements made by Dr. Sarath Rajapatirana, Professor Rohan Samarajiva and Anarkali Moonesinghe on the need for SOE reforms, before opening the floor for a question and answer session with journalists and media.

The event was moderated by K D Vimanga and Sathya Karunarathne.

The presentation by KD Vimanga on "Urgency of State Owned Enterprise Reforms" can be accessed below.

Urgency of State Owned Enterprise Reforms Presentation

Watch the discussion on Advocata Institutes YouTube channel.